

中心主任为薛勇教授,国际欧亚科学院院士、长江学者特聘教授。中心现有教授3人、海外客座教授8人、副教授4人、讲师2人、博士后3人。其中,国际欧亚科学院院士1人、国际宇航科学院通讯院士1人、长江讲席学者1人、中组部青年千人”1人、中科院 百人计划”1人,江苏省双创博士1人、中国矿业大学青年学术带头人1人,中国矿业大学百佳本科教学教师1人。





The Energy and environment remote sensing big data center (IERSD) was established by the China University of mining and technology in October 2019. Relying on the first-class discipline of Surveying and Mapping Science and technology, which is an A-discipline of the fourth round  discipline evaluation of the education department as well as an "Advantageous disciplines in Jiangsu Universities”.

The director of the center is Professor Xue Yong, Academician of the International Academy of Eurasian Sciences and distinguished Yangtze River Scholars Professor. The center has 3 professors, 8 overseas visiting professors, 4 associate professors, 2 lecturers and 3 postdoctoral scientist. Among them, there are 1 academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, 1 communication academician of the International Academy of Astronautics,1 Changjiang  chair Scholar, 1 ”Young Thousand Talents Program" of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, 1 "100 Talents Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,1 Doctor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Jiangsu Province,1 young academic leader of China University of mining and technology, and 1 Top 100 undergraduate teaching teacher of China University of mining and technology.

Facing the scientific needs across the interdisciplinary fields of remote sensing, energy, environment, big data and other disciplines, the center takes the intelligent computing of remote sensing big data and coal based environmental impacts as the main research directions. The center is committed to communicating and solving problems and improving technologies related to quantitative remote sensing, big data, air pollution, environmental properties, satellite monitoring of coal-based greenhouse gas emissions, and ecological environment. This includes developing information and tools for improving technologies and discovering new knowledge for both societal and Industrial applications.

Strong scientific research strength. It has undertaken a National Natural Science Foundation, national key R & D plan, an A-type strategic leading science and technology special project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, a major consulting research project of Chinese Academy of engineering,  a Leading talents of individuals and teams in mass entrepreneurship and innovation in Jiangsu Province, and "taking the lead" in the major special plan of science and technology in Shanxi Province. Supporting unit of the "digital energy" professional committee of the Chinese National Committee of the International Digital Earth Society.

First-class scientific research platform. The center has built the only ecological and atmospheric environment observation super station (relying on scientific field observations and research stations of the Ministry of Education), Xuzhou atmospheric environment space earth collaborative Monitoring Engineering Research Center, communication, guidance and remote integration cross scientific research center, energy and environment remote sensing big data service platform, high-performance / high-throughput geoscience computing platform.

International academic cooperation resources. Overseas partners include: German Aerospace Center, University of Helsinki, Royal Institute of meteorology, National Research Council of Italy, University of Athens in Greece, Yonsei University in South Korea, the University of Texas in the United States, etc., were approved as foreign expert studios in Jiangsu Province.



Copyright   ©2019-2022  Institute of Environmental Remote Sensing Big Data (IERSD)- 中国矿业大学能源与环境遥感大数据中心