Dr. Simone Lolli


西蒙那·洛力 博士  Dr. Simone Lolli






He is a permanent senior scientist for the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and scientic Co-PI of the NASA MPLNET Lidar Network. He is also graduate program faculty associate member of the University of Maryland Baltimore County(UMBC) and aggregate professor at University of Florence, Engineering Department on Remote Sensing Techniques for Image processing (DINFO). He a Ph.D. degree in Physics from the Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France and an M.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Florence, Italy. In the last ten years, Simone developed signicant experience in applied atmospheric remote sensing techniques, both from space and from ground, to study aerosol, cloud and precipitation optical, geometrical and microphysical properties, together with their interaction with climate, meteorology, air quality and global earth-atmosphere energy budget. He also participated in several eld campaigns in South-East Asia in the frame 7-SEAS NASA mission.



Consultant, Science Systems and Applications (NASA Contractor) 2019–

Development and implementation of an operational algorithm to detect rain precipitation from NASA MPLNET lidar network measurements

Senior Research Scientist, CNR-IMAAId: 17347 (permanent position), Tito Scalo(PZ), Italy 2017–

Research on aerosol and cloud direct radiative effects on the Earth radiation budget and climate by ground-based and satellite remote sensing techniques in the frame of ACTRIS program. Permanent member of the NASAMPLNET Lidar network Science Team.

Assistant Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA 2012–2017 Scientific Co-PI of the NASA GSFC MPLNET. The network, since 1999 deployed more than 20 lidar instruments worldwide. Network main objective is to retrieve 24/24 under any meteorological condition the atmospheric profile of the optical and geometrical characteristics of aerosols and clouds to assess their impact on global radiative budget, climate change and air quality.



GDRI-Sud in South East Asia (SOOT-SEA), PI for black carbon detection and retrieval by lidar measurements in SEA region Eunadics, 2018–

Data Integration and Assimilation for Work Package 4 2017–

7-SEAS, Scientific CO-PI for NASA MPLNET Lidar Network 2012–

NASA MPLNET, Scientific Committee member 2012–

MDE Offshore Wind Energy, CO-Investigator 2012–2013



50+ publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.


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