




    Major Research Area:Environmental Monitoring; Characteristics of Atmospheric Particulate Pollution; Sewage Treatment and Recycling.




1. 河北省基础地理信息中心项目,石家庄市大气颗粒物来源解析研究2014/01-2014/5


3.江苏省博士后科研资助项目,MBR在含油废水处理中的脱油过 程及膜污染机理研究、2011/09-2014/09

4. 河北省基础地理信息中心项目,石家庄气溶胶时空特征分析研究、2014/01-2014/05

5. 大同煤矿集团有限责任公司项目,同煤矿区大气污染特征、追因及防治措施研究,2015.11-2016.12



8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,煤矿区污染场地特征识别与废弃植物炭化调控研究,2019/1-2022/1220

9. 中央高校基本科研学科前沿科学研究专项基金,亚铁离子强化脱氮除磷运行机制与过程特征,019/1-2021/12

10. 徐州市科技项目-重点研发计划(社会发展),KC18223,城市污水二级出水深度净化技术过程调控机制的应用研究,2018/08-2020/07

(1) L.M. Yuan*, C.Y. Zhang, J.Y. Xu, J.S. Chu, B.B. Wang, Q.W. Wu, J.T. LiuPerformance of an innovative step-feed An-M(A/O)-MBR process for nutrients removal. Desalination and water treatment, 2015,55:2728-2733

(2) L.M. Yuan*, C.Y. Zhang, B. Xia, J. Hu, Y.F. Tian, Q. Cai, J.T. Liu. Effect of dissolved oxygen on the performance of a step-feed hybrid MBR process treating synthetic domestic wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment., 2012,49(1-3):200-207.

(3) L.M. Yuan*, C.Y. Zhang, Y. Q. Zhang, D. L.Xi, Biological nutrient removal using an alternating of anoxic and anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AAAM) process, Desalination 221 (2008) 566–575.

(4) L.M. Yuan*, C.Y. Zhang, R. Yan, G.Z. Zhao, L.J. Tian, Z.X. He, H. Liu, Y.Q. Zhang. Advanced wastewater treatment under different dissolved oxygen conditions in an innovative step-feed process. Advanced Materials Research. 383-390 (2012):3707-3712.

(5) L.M. Yuan*, C.Y. Zhang et al. Effect of organic compounds on the performance of a step-feed hybrid MBR process. 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2011 Proceedings, Vol.9, pp.7518-7521, China,24-26 June, 2011.

(6) Chuanyi Zhang* , Xinhai Xu, Kuixia Zhao, Lianggang Tang, Siqi Zou, Limei Yuan*.Novel MBR_based main stream biological nutrient removal process: high performance and microbial community.Biodegradation,2018,29(1):11-22

(7) Chuanyi Zhang*,Guangrong Sun,Kuixia Zhao, Siqi Zou, Limei Yuan*.Performance of A2NO-MBR process in treating synthetic and municipal wastewater.Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018, 25,(11):10782–10791

(8) Xinhai Xu, Peilin Zhong, Chuanyi Zhang*, Limei Yuan*, Guangrong Sun, Yunkun Qian, Hai Liang.Improved membrane sequencing batch reactor: effect of carbon and nitrogen volumetric loading rate on dephosphatation. Environmental technology,29 Oct, 2018:1-10

(9) Chuanyi Zhang*,Yunkun Qian, Limei Yuan*, Shilong He, Ying Wang*. Liping Wang.Nutrients removal performance of a denitrifying phosphorus removal process in alternate anaerobic/anoxic–aerobic double membrane bioreactors (A2N-DMBR),Water science and technology,78(8):1741-1752 ,2018

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