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数字能源专委会在2022年可持续发展大数据国际论坛组织“Dgital Energy and Sustainable Development”分会



数字能源专委会在此次国际论坛上支持并组织数字能源与可持续发展专题分会。专题会议于97日下午200开始,由专委会成员薛勇教授、秦凯教授主持,报告人靳春林、秦凯、Jason Blake Cohen、包妮沙、刘英、胡文敏分别带来了遥感数据获取大气二氧化碳(Atmospheric CO2 calculation from remotely-sensed data中国煤矿甲烷排放星地协同观测(Tracking and tracing campaign for coal mine methane (TCM) 2分析中国能源产区各种形式的碳排放-实现气候目标的新机遇(Analyzing of all forms of carbon emitted from energy producing areas in China. New opportunities for meeting climate goals草原露天煤矿区复垦土壤光谱特征及反演模型研究进展(Reclaimed soil estimation in large surface coal mine area using hyperspectral remote sensing data黄河流域煤矿区生态环境遥感监测(Remote sensing monitoring of ecological environment in coal mine area of Yellow River Basin联合影像特征与多时相DSM的矿区地表三维变化检测(Retrieving surface deformation of mining areas using image features and multi-temporal DSMs”6个精彩的学术汇报(会议报告回放网址:https://www.scimeeting.cn/online/video/play/2?vid=203900)。

团队靳春林博士作‘Atmospheric CO2 calculation from remotely-sensed data’报告

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